Monday, October 29, 2007

Hand Foot And Mouth

Obviously that picture is not andrew. But he has hand foot and mouth.It is hell. My throat hurts, but only on one side. Weird, I wont even google that buddy! I made a bad decision and now I have to deal wit it, soooo INTERNETS tell me what you think:

Courtney turned 5 in october so unless I paid for private Kindy (read preschool teacher=no way in hell that would happen) she had to wait a year. Now she is the oldest, and due to 2 years of PreK the smartest. I know everyone thinks there kids is THE smartest, and Courtney is by no means a genius, but seriously in her class, after testing, she is the smartest. So her teacher is having issues with her getting bored and doing the other children's work. She is wanting to move on but because alot of children have never had any form of education yet in the in lives they can't. Now she is telling the other kids, "ugh! don't raise your hand if you don't know the answer, and then giving the right answer because they got it wrong. Now I don't need advice on her attitude I am working on whipping errr I mean getting that to stop ;). She cant be rude to people. Period. I just am wondering how to approach the school without looking like THAT parent. By Jan I cant even imagine how bored she will be.

Tomorrow should be getoffyourassandcleanoutyourclosetandotherpilesofshit day but that probably won't happen.

Also a friend of mine is doing this: Bottle race

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So you win nothing. I don't understand. Basically a multi million dollar venue is using you for free entertainment. And he could have totally died at it. I mean I love him to death but uh NO. Would you do it>? As a rule of thumb I just don't run so you obviously know my answer!

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