Saturday, October 20, 2007

I am...
Beautiful:Regardless of my weight and size. Doesn't matter if my hair is perfect or my make up is flawless. It makes no difference what I'm wearing or where I am, I'm beautiful.

Intelligent:Regardless of my actions, or my choices. Doesn't matter what I'm thinking or how I'm speaking. I am an educated, bright and insightful woman.

I know these things, I truly believe in my head and my heart. But why then does it feel like I'm constantly seeking approval from everyone? I shouldn't care if I'm getting 5000 text messages a month, or a million friends and it shouldn't bother me when I get ignored. I shouldn't need someone to tell me that I'm beautiful or smart to know that I am.

GAH! What is wrong with me?

Repeat after me... I don't need attention to be happy. I don't need to people to notice me to be attractive. Most of all, I don't need to have men wanting to be sleep with me to be worthy of love.

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