Thursday, March 13, 2008

Life is Precious

I have been debating on Blogging this or not, If you click the title of the blog there is a news link but here it is also in case that does not work:

One of my very best friends lost 2 people he has known for over 15 years this past Wednesday early in the morning. I am so incredibly sad for him, for THEM, for their families. I have literally been thinking about it non stop. I have lost people close to me and know what a stab it is in the gut. Its GUT WRENCHING really. I feel like i do not have the right words for him when he leans on me. It is very frustrating for me, I never want those I care about to feel pain. Ever. Please eep everyone touched by this in your thoughts and prayers!

2 comments: said...

oh no...that is so very horrible...

Your friend will be in my thoughts and prayers. Much strength to the families in the day and weeks to come.

preacherman said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope you will find the strength to blog again.
I enjoyed reading your blog.
God bless you sis.
I hope and pray you find the peace and comfort that only God can give.