Saturday, January 31, 2009


The really moment of the day:

Is the McDonalds worker REALLLY sweeping under my feet right now as I type at my table while the kids play. I mean this place is prob around 2-3000 sq feet and she has to pick the 10 sq feet on to sweep? bumping my legs with her broom handle as she goes.....REALLY??? Should I stand? hmmm....

secret reveal Number 7492361

I love jammin out to demi lovato. my daughter hates it. hehehehehe maybe thats what makes me love it more!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ahhh what to say about this one! He is my WILD child. Scared of nothing....well except "bunnies" hahaha!!! He will be 3 years old on friday. He keeps courtney and I laughing all day! And this boy...he LOVES Jesus. He wants to be at church 24/7 and will cry when I tell him thats not our destination. I know God has big plans for this baby. I struggled this year with overcompensation. I overcompensated for his lack of father with laxing my discipline as a parent. For most people who know me they were QUITE puzzled. I am a firm believer in discipline and yea you may choose if you want an apple or and orange but a kids life is not meant for choices (actually ill blog on this later) Anyway! So he went a little crazy...when I was reading one day and came across scripture convicting my heart! Jeremiah 22:3
Deuteronomy 24:17-22 My son may not have an earthly father...but he has something better his Heavenly Father! How foolish of me to neglect this fact! SO we are finally looking up. He has come so FAR since the beginning of 08. And I am so proud of him!


My daughter is growing up too fast!!! In my opinion that is. Not in hers. :) Never did I think I would see the day that I was talking like the adults did when I was younger! I just want her to stop breathe and be a little girl but she is busy busy trying to reach milestone after milestone. here are a couple excerpts from conversations we have had this first grade year:

"Mama there is a cute boy in 4th grade. Its ONLY 2 years older mama!"

"And that girl was so rude to the boy and he had autism and I told her Dont you know he has AUTISM? God made him that way he cant HELP it. And dont YOU know what Jesus did for you he DIED for YOU. Mama she just doesnt GET IT!"

"I dont need Junie B Jones mama I have my Bible to read!"

"you always LET andrew hurt me!"

"I am the only one without a CELL PHONE! even a KINDERGARTENER HAS ONE!"

So you see my little sassypants is nerve wracking and at times I throw my hands up in the air with no words for what sassiness comes out of ehr mouth but my baby girl loves Jesus so I'll continue to discipline and praise and pray for God to keep on her heart :)

Its me here in this place again.....

click the title of this and then push play on ALL IT TAKES you will hear my all time favorite song EVER. It is so awesome. Aubrey and his team are T A L E N T E D. God has blessed them ten fold and I love singing with them every weekend!!

so listen and tell me what you think!!! I love discussing spiritual lyrics and what they mean to each person! pretty please with suga on top? :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My new devotional ROCKS!!!

Jesus doesnt need to offer us a word each day, one word from Him is enough for a lifetime! It's not a difficult word either- youve known it most of your life; though its meaning deepens as you grow daily in wisdom: SUFFICIENT. As in, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby Alive

The Baby Alive has been on the Christmas list for 2 years now. I have avoided it,went down other aisles at the store, anything I could think of. Because here are two cold hard facts:
1. I potty train living BREATHING children for a living
2. I just got my youngest out of diapers (in a timeframe that took way too long IMO)

SO my aunt buys her the doll (of course! Love YOU) and I swiftly put it in the closet with a few otehr toys to wait for the newness of Christmas to wear off on the other toys. Monday the light bulb goes off in Courtneys brain and I find myself sitting in the middle of my living room cuttingstring untwisting twisty ties and pulling Baby Alive and all her contents out. This doll talks, cries, POOPS and PEES and eats and drinks and sleeps and wakes up. It been good times UNTIL the morning. The dialog went like this for 2 days(before i startegically waited for courtney to go to bed and placed the baby out of sight being the smart mama that I am)
Me: Courtney time to get up Get your clothes on please
Courtney: Ok Mommy!
(me thinking WOW thats weird she never gets up so easily)
I happily go about gettig Drew and myself ready and am ready to leave when I towards her room and hear a slurping noise. Opening hte door I discover my daughter sitting in the middle of her bed NOT dressed feeding a DOLL.

I obviously express my concern and she looks at me exasperated and says "But MAMA it is baby ALIVE see it says ALIVE if I dont feed it it will DIE!"

Repeat on day 2

I have also had to hear about the doll dying when I try to get groceries , gas or go to church after work.

I am reminded why I stopped at 2 kids!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.

and here is mine:
My son just last week has been scared of the scary bunny. he kept seeing it through our house and i could not for the life of me think of any show or book he read with even a NICE bunny in it. Cue saturday morning....the bunny is here its in teh kitchen!! bleary eyed i walk into the kitchen and see a fairly large.... MOUSE!!! Now he tells everyone i see mouse but it was a bunny now its a mouse then mama threw it away. (which i did. sorry mouse lovers!)

and one about courtney:
Courtneys dad is catholic. His grandmother passed away and he wanted courtney at all the services I compromised and allowed the viewing (remembering my mama's baptist viewing where she was in a room and you could chose whether or not to go in) I forgot about the rosary and catholic traditions. I digress. Courtney is sitting by her aunt and asks to go sit by her grandma. Her aunt sasy sure keeping her head bowed participating in the rosary when you hear Courtney talking loudly its ok grandma you are with Jesus now and everyone looks up to see courtney climbing IN THE COFFIN! When she said grandma her aunt assumed she meant her mom not her moms mom who had passed who is in fact courtneys great grandma!! Lesson learned even a viewing is not for children!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

this title is clickable

Please pray for the Godfreys. Pray for peace as the Lord is working (&changing) their lives and the lives around them. Pray His will over these special people!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it... but I am afraid God might ask me the same question." --Anonymous

I have a weakness. Drivethrus. They are so easy. you drive thru the kids are happy. the end. Financially this is not smart and nurtitionally this is not what I want for my children. Courtney, I think my girl will be a missioary. Sheis interested in kids in every 3rd world country she hears about! Recently our church donated things to Asia and shared with them how little kids eat in africa. So I tol dher we eat out too much. And we arent going to this month. She then siggested we feed hungry people here in frisco texas with the money we save. and i think it is a great idea. Courtney is so on fire for God and I love it!!! She reads her Bible everytime I look! Andrew sings happy birthday jesus (pronounce Geezus of course) I am so excited to watch my nery own little people grow in their relationship with the Lord!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


2009 is going to be a great year for me and my family. I will have a beautiful niece to be born! NO diapers to change (PTL!) and a chance to impact single parents in our church! I have a job a perfect for me house 2 gorgeous kids and a wonderful family (church and friends included!) surrounding me. How could I ask for more??? I am setting a few goals for myself this year that I hope to be consistent with!

here they are because i know you are wondering:
1. Becoming more of a prayer warrior by keeping a prayer journal and praying with it daily.
2. Adding savings to my BofA acct (BAD ME i know!)
3. Visiting my sister more often (at least every other month)
4. Practicing what I preach with others kids consistently with my own.
5. organizing my house the right way!

How will I do all these things??
well 1 is coming along perfectly, and #2 is a pretty quick fix!
#3 should be accomplished by me just doing it. I am very busy working (3- YEA IM CRAZY! JOBS) But I have to remember to upkeep my relationships. (and of course remind my lukey i am his favorite aunt!)
#4 ugh this one will be the hardest. It is SO hard being mama and dada and finding that balance of discipline and time to be loving and caring. More so with my son than daughter as she has her dad around to take a little of the burden off of me. During a conversation about raising kids I truly felt the Lord speaking to me telling me Raising your kids is your most important job! They are my most precious gift to you besides grace and if you do not hold to your responsibilities of raising them in My ways you will answer for it. It really convicted my heart and we are changing a few things at home to fix it. There have been alot of battle of the wills testing my new set up boundaries though! (bring on the Advil :) )
#5 If you know me you know God did NOT give me the gift of housekeeping. Or car-keeping for that matter! I am working on both. I can now say that you could drop by at anytime and i wouldn't be making a mad dash to clean. There might be dishes in the sink and a bathroom trash that needs to be emptied and you will DEFINITELY step over a few toys but I have gotten much better about spending 20 minutes each night tidying up which has helped SO much!

I fells asleep at 10 and woke back up now i feel as if I am wide awake. More posts to (hopefully) put me back in the sleepy mood!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I am so excited for 2009 and I have so many awesome things coming up! I should be able to sit down thsi weekend and blog it all. But for now Happy birthday again sissy! I am so proud of you! and please pray for my friend Shyana, in the hospital 16 weeks pregnant...her fibroids are acting up causing her to contract :(