Sunday, December 14, 2008

Matthew 6:25-34 (The Message)

This is my most favorite scripture!

God grows me all the time. I look back and amazed at what he has done in my life. Lately I have been praising him for the people He has surrounded me with. And the opportunities to witness He has given me. If you would have asked me a year ago to witness to a stranger or even aquiantance I would not have been able to do it. I am surrounded by Christ following leaders i my life right now who have shown me how amazing it can be to witness. I am so blessed.

Crazy things are going on at my work right now. I know the economy is bad. But we are in child care my friends. There is no way he is losing money except he is because he is not budgeting my classroom alone banks 12000 a month. my salary barely touches that! And I pray for the owner of my school. He does not know the Lord. I pray for him daily. and while everyone is out there, fussing about what if their check bounces what if he lays off, I am praying. Praying and not even slightly worried, I have control issues. HUGE ones. The Lord has shown me how to give the control over to him. And I am singing his praises that I know his hand is over my job, that he brings me there to show everyone through my attitude His amazing unfailing love!!

I had the amazing opportunity to help out a coworker this week, and I watched a DEAR friend who believes in God but no where near has a relationship with Him FORM a relationship with Him, just by seeing His love poured out on the lady through others. We prayed before we left the lady's house after blessing her with household gifts. And i peered up to see my friend truly praying tlaking to the Lord. God is GOOD, thank you God for letting me do Your work. Use me Lord!!!!


Tonight I gave my friend Kathy a ride to the mall. We met a FABULOUS man named spenser. he works for vonage and told us about all the free stuff he could give us with NO monthly contract. anywho. andrew was sitting on his desk playing with stuff (of which he approved) and decided to play that jumping game while i was speaking with spenser. i was not told we were playing so i see his movement out of the corner of my eye ( i was standing right in front of drew)and literally catch my son going head first down to the mall floor by.the.ANKLE. yes people. im a life saver. life.saver.

things that I wonder about people

so those of you that know me know that i am a nosey person. I am. I will people watch ALL day. Things people do truly just interest me. If someone paid me to sit random places and wonder outloud about people I would be a gazillionaire!! I love it. I digress, Here are some things I have been wondering about people (I know and dont know) for the past couple weeks,

1. When you have children and go on a date night, you turn your phone OFF really? i feel like this is CPS worthy for some reason.

2. Why would a man with elvis hair pumped up 20 times its natural size roam around a food court in circles. with a huge trench coat on. Can any one say PIPE BOMB?

3. If there is no stop sign you do not HAVE TO STOP!!!!! the traffic pattern has been the same at the mall for years people.

4. If you are married. Wear your wedding ring! it is not nice to us single ladies. sheesh. and ESPECIALLY to church!

5. dont lie to your best friend when you screw up. only more trouble will ensue. and come ON they are your best friend. they will understand the truth no matter how embarrassing it is.

6. please take your 6 year olds pacifier away.

7. and their bottle too.

8. If you are in customer service....the sun should be shining out of everywhere in your body. if not please find a new profession.

9. dont cuss at your children.

10. Dont goto a popular mall holding hands with your brothers wife. you will run into you ex girl and your son.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Manic Monday

Do you ever talk to yourself out loud?

No I pretty much keep it all inside....afterall if I said it would be reality :) :P

What do you talk about?

In my head I talk to Jesus....always. We have some great conversations.

What stresses you out?

Specfically examples from tonight?

My daughter glancing around a room for something and declaring with drmatic tone I HAVE LOOKED EVERYWHERE IT IS NO WHERE I CAN NOT FIND IT IS LOST

My son pouring salt all over my kitchen floor and then dancing in it

What are your secret talents?

potty training (Other peoples) children

Sunday, November 23, 2008

sunday stealing (clicky)

Sunday Stealing: The Favorite Meme
Fill in your favorite for each of the following:
1. Political show: nancy grace
2. Picnic food: watermelon
3. Mixed drink: rum &coke
4. U.S. President: 1st bush
5. Kind of student to teach: smart & fiesty
6. Hobby you do or wish you still did: blog, bows, scrap
7. Sports commentator:lee corso
8. Sport to watch on TV:college football, basketball
9. Animal to have as a pet:cat
10. Halloween costume you have worn:witch
11. Kind of dessert: chocolate anything
12. Comic strip:family circus, or love is....
13. Ice cream flavor:choc chip
14. News source:internet or ryan lol
15. Vacation spot:beach
16. Wine: fruity blush
17. Way to waste time instead of working: texting/internetting
18. Reality show:american idol
19. Childrens movie:willy wonka and the chocolate factory ORIGINAL
20. Celebrity you wish would retire:Madonna

Click this

Wow I just reread my blog. And how much I have grown spiritually and SHRUNK weight wise. LAdies and gentleman my weight is now 168 and i couldnt feel better I only remember being heavier in pictures!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Comment comment comment

We want to put people into boxes. We become offended or turned off by something they say or do and label them. We want it to be simple; he’s good and she’s bad, she’s got a really good heart and well, he’s just plain selfish. But the thing is, life just doesn’t work that way. No one person’s deeds are all good nor all bad. And yet we are quick to judge, quick to suspect their motives. And once we’ve put someone or a group of people in that ”not so good” or not trustworthy or ”less spiritual” category we are tempted to see all they do through that lens. Even the good they do is questionable.

It’s sad that we do this. We do it with ourselves too. We want our motives and actions to be pure and loving. We examine them and label them. We describe what we do as being “in the spirit” or “in the flesh.” And while there is merit in examining our motives and and it’s important to examine our consciences there is a danger in seeing things in black and white.

You see we are made of flesh and spirit. Seldom are the motives behind what we do entirely pure. This is why we need grace. We can do wonderful things in the name and love of Jesus and even those deeds can be tainted by self-love. But God’s grace takes those deeds of love offered by faith and redeems them and us. This is the glory and wonder of living in God’s system of grace instead of the system of the law. No longer must our deeds be perfect in order to be accepted by God. Instead, our deeds, born of the spirit and tainted by our flesh, are accepted by Father and bring glory to him despite their imperfections. This by no means gives us permission to cease striving for perfect love. “What shall we say then, shall we continue to sin so that grace may abound. Certainly not…” (Romans 6:1). No, instead this system of grace should motivate us all the more to love like Jesus and extend this same grace to others.

We desperately need to see others through this same lens of grace. Our brothers and sisters in Christ will not always have the same agenda as we do. Our family members will not love us perfectly. Ministry and political leaders will not lead perfectly. Like you and me they are made of flesh and spirit. Even their best attempts to love “in the spirit” will probably be tainted by their own self-interest and self-love. They too are in the process of learning how to love.

We can’t write off individuals or groups of people simply because we encounter that self-interest and self-love. We can’t declare their efforts to lead, to follow, to love and befriend or to work for the Kingdom of God as null and void simply because we come in contact with their flesh. No, instead we are called to live in a system of grace. We are called to receive one another and our deeds in a spirit of love; we are called to see the image and love of Jesus in one another offering unmerited favor to each other despite our imperfect attempts to live in unity, love, holiness and peace.

What individuals or groups of people have you written off lately?
How is God calling you to extend grace so you can walk in unity and peace?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Life is Precious

I have been debating on Blogging this or not, If you click the title of the blog there is a news link but here it is also in case that does not work:

One of my very best friends lost 2 people he has known for over 15 years this past Wednesday early in the morning. I am so incredibly sad for him, for THEM, for their families. I have literally been thinking about it non stop. I have lost people close to me and know what a stab it is in the gut. Its GUT WRENCHING really. I feel like i do not have the right words for him when he leans on me. It is very frustrating for me, I never want those I care about to feel pain. Ever. Please eep everyone touched by this in your thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

atleast my sister still loves me.

I have totally neglected this blog, and my other one. So don't be hurt. i pressured my sister to make one, then I dropped the ball. But she loves me forever---right sissy? RIGHT!?!?!?! Don't you make me squeeze your cheeks! hehehe

So a random story about the squeezing of the cheeks: When we were younger I would always squeeze my brother and sisters cheeks. Yes squeeze for no reason. It felt good to my hands, all gushy you know! I think my sister was worried I would do the same to my kids, because, well, her and my brother insist i actually HURT them! I mean, COME ON I am a soft girl, I would never hurt them. And for the record, have not had the urge to squeeze either of my childrens' faces. (well at least not for the pure joy of gushiness ;) ) I kid I kid!

We have just been living life. Work, and then enjoying our tumultuous weather (SAT word there baby!) One day it snows, the next it is 80, the next it rains. In that order. Just this week. (***KNOCK ON WOOD***) No one has gotten sick, except me a couple weeks ago but even then it was just a bad cold and I did not have to hide under the covers (very long) Now, both of my children have red eyes where there should be white. I am hoping and praying in the morning they are white again. Pink eye has been running rampant but I just want to pretend that its from playing outside all day! (INDULGE ME PEOPLE!)

So help em clear the writers block and keep me from writing the same ol same ol, post a subject you would like my opinion on, a question about my life, or whatEVER in the comments, and I will weave them with eloquence in this ol dusty blog to give it a jump start!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Courtney donated her hair to locks of love. sweet girl.

Andrew is 2!

Monday, January 28, 2008 cake rolls.


My sister says it is time to update. But I have no entertaining stories. I do have a couple of Penis Chronicle Adventures. But I am trying to keep this journal penis-drama-free!!

Wednesday is my BABYS 2nd birthday. Time has FLOWN. I remember his birth so VIVIDLY, and I am not sure why because while I remember Courtneys, when i close my eyes I can see andrews from start to finish. He is sucha BUSY but sweet boy. He loves to sing and it is SO cute!!! His favorite songs in the are is Low by T Pain or tear Drops on my guitar by Taylor Swift. LOL Thats my boy!! HE also loooves his Blues Clues still. We are having a lowkey celebration at his school with party hats and cupcakes. He LOVES PUPcakes! I willpost pics wed night or thurs!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


So yesterday I babysat a little boy who used to be in my class and his brother. Owen and Evan. Well Owen kept touching my Big Boob and saying "what's in there????" LOL> I did not even know how to answer this so I just said "Oh, it's a part of my body." (after he asked for like the 4th time.) He looked back at me flabbergasted and said "NO!! It is. NOT!"

Big Boobs...thats how I roll.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Psalm 121

A Pilgrim Song
1-2 I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

3-4 He won't let you stumble,
your Guardian God won't fall asleep.
Not on your life! Israel's
Guardian will never doze or sleep.

5-6 God's your Guardian,
right at your side to protect you—
Shielding you from sunstroke,
sheltering you from moonstroke.

7-8 God guards you from every evil,
he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return,
he guards you now, he guards you always.

Courtney is having issues at school. Normal issues tlaking etc. But theyhave worsened and her teacher didnt want to add stress to me. Now we have to bust down robo-Courtney is her sassiest. Fun times my friends, fun times.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I am not 20 MAMA!

Today we were driving down the road to church and Courtney asked which church are we going to?? I said oh one we went to with miss darla a while ago. I said You probably don't remember it but you will see. And then exasperated she says: MAMA I am not like 20! I can remember things still!!!

ahhh to be young

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I am sorry...ooooo soooo soorrrryyyy

Blog Hiatus due to being thrown into single-mom-dom. But I am here now! yay!! Do you really want to know about my drama? well maybe. But I have moved on. And my life is happier and I never want to look back on this blog and see depressing woe is me entries.
Matt 6:34"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
1 Peter 5:6-7So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.