Sunday, April 26, 2009

I want to be a single Blade of grass!

I was at a stop light today out in the counnnntry and when I looked out my window I saw a bunch of these type of blades of grass blowing in the wind. Individually just blowing whichever way God had the wind move them. I so long to be a blade of grass for Him. I yearn for it, and want it so much. to only care for His will and His plan and purpose. And in most all areas of my life I do it effortlessly.

I had my first date yesterday in almost 2 years. I just dont know if I was made to date. Apparently there are rules. I dont know them. When you call? When you dont? I dont like rules. Especially rules against people and friendships and relationships. Grr.

Otherwise the date went fabulously (i think) and he is an amazing guy. Active in his church. Super nice and hilarious, and he gets me. He is older so apparently that is a whole new set of the rules btw.

am I overanalytical? maybe. But cant I just have the answers I need?

So can I just turn into a blade of grass please!???

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